Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Window Into African Leadership

Zimbabwe's Mugabe and his aides asleep at AU Summit in Addis Ababa - May 2013
Why is Africa in trouble? Watch these African leaders at the May 2013 African Union Summit in Addis Ababa and ask no further questions. That is President Mugabe of Zimbabwe, along with his aides asleep when they are supposed to be working hard to resolve the problems that they created for their people. This photo represents a snapshot of the state of African leadership.  These men are hardly worse than most of their fellow African leaders that are not seen in this picture.  Across the African Continent, rulers are asleep at the switch while the majority of the people that they govern just work hard, struggle and suffer through economic hardship, poor health, polluted environment and extremely corrupt and inept leadership. Clearly, Mugabe and his aides are people with nothing to offer as leaders.  To that extent, they are just like most of the people who govern African countries.  They are not leaders; they are pretenders.