Paul Inyang, USA
There is nothing as bad as someone who refuses to see the folly in their ways and continues to be misled along the wrong path. We are all given the ability to discern and think logically. Such people become partners in their own demise, for whatever little momentary gain they may have. They fail to see that misappropriation no matter who does it endangers not only them but their children and children’s children. For long this has been the bane of the African continent and its people. Yet, it continues to happen under the pretext of tribal and racial sentiments among other issues. Yet still, the youth who are supposed to be the arbiters and purveyors of change and progress are the ones singing the same songs—of hopelessness and self defeat.
Where is the hope now and for the future generations? We are supposed to be getting better not worse. We are infinitely more educated and have greater awareness. We do not have to leave the shores of Africa for greater exposure—if only one has internet. The resources of a nation belongs to the people not only a few people. If the leaders utilize it well then the entire populace benefits from it but if it is desecrated, personalized, stolen and wasted; then it is and must be an issue. But it seems that in our neck of the woods, the people who are most affected are the same people who cry foul. For what you may ask? For parochial reasons and based on ethnic sentiments among other myopic issues.
We do not have a chance if we cannot see that the millstone is on all of our necks and we are all going down. What we call transformation is depreciatory and will not stand the test of time—already it is derogatory. It is not built on anything that is self-sustaining. We must also transform our minds and perspectives—our eye sights are already poor and fool us all the time. In the end we will only get what we deserve. Please think not only of yourself but others! Mandela remains’ Africa’s “living” example—he was selfless. Read about him and learn about him.
We do not have a chance if we cannot see that the millstone is on all of our necks and we are all going down. What we call transformation is depreciatory and will not stand the test of time—already it is derogatory. It is not built on anything that is self-sustaining. We must also transform our minds and perspectives—our eye sights are already poor and fool us all the time. In the end we will only get what we deserve. Please think not only of yourself but others! Mandela remains’ Africa’s “living” example—he was selfless. Read about him and learn about him.